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Astrology - Cancer Season

As we move into Cancer season, we can align ourselves with the watery, intuitive and homely energy. Cancer season, which falls between June 21st and July 23rd, is a time for us to reconnect with our inner feminine energies, spend more time with loved one with a real focus on our home life. During this time, it is a great idea to connect with different water sources, this could be wild swimming, taking more showers/ baths and taking a dip in the seas when/ if you get a chance! Another way that we can connect with the watery energies of Cancer season is by using mantras that resonate with the Cancerian spirit. These mantras could help us to feel more connected to self, family, and dive deep into our feminine and maternal energies. Some great mantras that can be used are below.

v I am open to receiving guidance from my intuition.

v I allow myself to feel vulnerable as I am changing.

v I am wise, I am loving, and I am powerful.

v I am rooted in my feminine wisdom.

To fully embrace Cancer season, we can engage in activities that resonate with this sign’s nature. Examples of these include; taking time in the home to relax, time for self-care and sprucing up the home where/ if needed, cooking a delicious meal for yourself, friends and family, taking part in water based activities such as swimming, paddle boarding and wake-boarding (if brave.) Another great way of connecting to the watery energy within is finding fancy ways of drinking water, maybe by adding different fruit to bottles or drinking herbal teas. Dancing with the rain is another exciting and creative way of being connected to water, popping your wellies on and splashing in puddles is another way of connecting to your inner child. The final activity that may not be everyone’s idea of fun is having a past life tarot reading, with a trusted reader. This can help to really connect to your roots of the past and create safe space to talk about ancestors that had passed on to the next life.

Another great self-care routine to try is a full body, calming massage, providing that extra love and care for us. Some great essential oils to use during Cancer season include Grapefruit, Peppermint, Lavender, Rosewood and Basil.

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